Dragonfly Run (Ride for Arch)



Jay's Piston Broke Pub
306 Korah Road,
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, P6C 4H1, Canada
This event has ended. Please check back for next year's information.

  August 19, 2023 - August 19, 2023

Jay’s Piston Broke is proud to announce the Dragonfly Run (Ride for Arch) on Saturday, August 19th, 2023 on Korah Rd. Street Party, Vendors, Prizes, food, Entertainment, etc!

Registration is at NOON and kickstands up at 1:00 pm. The ride will approximately be about 1.5 hours and then the Street Party opens up! Bands playing outside in the parking lot across the street. A dunk tank! Pizza and BBQ! Face Painting! Tattooing on site! An artist doing caricatures! And much much more!

Pledge forms are available at Piston Broke! Prizes for highest pledges! Family Free Event! ALL proceeds go to the ARCH!!

Phone Number: 705-450-5222

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