

7 Essentials For Predator Fly Fishing

July 5, 2023 By The So Fly Crew

The majority of fly anglers out there have the tools and equipment they need for their day-to-day trout fishing. It really doesn’t take much. A rod and reel set up with a floating line, a tapered leader and maybe a small net. With the growing interest in targeting Ontario’s other species on the fly, some […]

5 Reasons To Book A Fly-in Fishing Trip

September 20, 2022 By The So Fly Crew

You know a fishing trip is going to be amazing when it starts with a float plane ride, the workhorse of the north. A PLANE, taking you to go fishing. It’s a wild, wild experience I will simply never tire of. What can you expect when planning your fly-in trip? In this article, I’ll outline […]

My First Ice Fishing Season

December 1, 2021 By The So Fly Crew

Hey. Hi. Hello. My name is Aldo. I live in downtown Toronto, and I’m a fly fisherman. During the winter I usually tie flies, and if the rivers close to the GTA stay unfrozen, I like to chase some Great Lakes Steelhead. This year though, I wanted to get into and learn more about ice […]