
Travel Information

Need some help planning a trip to Algoma Country? Have some questions about border crossing? The travel information we provide includes important border crossing information by car, boat and air. What you can, and cannot bring into Canada, or what you need to know about bringing the family pet. Visitors will also find information for travel distances, location information and services.

Travel Planning: Important border crossing information for U.S. Citizens and International travellers. General information provided: fishing and hunting regulations, firearms information, insurance, currency, seat belts and more

Travel Information Centres: Visitor Centres located across the Algoma region that provide local travel information

Travel Guides: Request free travel publications and maps to plan a fishing or hunting trip, touring routes, or nature and outdoor adventures

Partnership Directory: Find a complete list of outfitters, lodges and resorts, hotels and motels, attractions, and guide services

Book Online: Seasonal vacation packages that you can book online at any time

The Algoma Blog: Awesome blogs written by staff and local experts about the area

Newsletter Sign-up: Sign up to receive newsletters with travel information

Regional Map: Find out where Algoma Country is located in Ontario, Canada

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