Types of Fishing Trips in the Region
lodgeThe cliché “getting there is really half the fun” is an overused terminology that gets thrown around an awful lot in the travel world. But in the world of fly-in fishing lodges, the cliché may be a little strong. For those who have had the pleasure of experiencing a bush flight, you get it. However, if you have yet to set foot in a bushplane to access your Algoma Country angling adventure, truer words may not exist. Getting there…and back again really is an incredible experience.
Algoma Country has several fly-in lodges ready for those looking for a remote fly-in fishing adventure. There are a variety of outfitters available for everyone. Full service, housekeeping and full do-it-yourself camps will cater to anyone’s angling dreams and most everyone’s pocketbook.
Experience Algoma Fly-in Fishing Lodges
Remote Outposts
Let’s start with a do-it-yourself adventure. DIY is just that, you do everything on your own. From cooking, cleaning, boat fueling and fishing, it’s just you and your party that make it happen. There is nothing quite like the feeling of watching the bush plane taxi away from your private dock, on your private lake, to take off and leave you alone in the bush, in the middle of nowhere. The silence is deafening! DIY fly-in fish camps are strategically placed to offer anglers the privacy of their lake with fantastic fishing for the species you desire. Remote outposts will cater to a lake or river specifically designed for the species you want to target, be they brook trout, walleye or northern pike. You simply tell the operator what you’re looking for and they will make recommendations for your dream trip.
DIY – Housekeeping
Housekeeping fly-in outfitters can be considered a step up from a total DIY adventure. You get the full fly-in experience as a DIY adventure, however, there is a level of service present at housekeeping outfitters which may be attractive to some. You are still able to come and go at your schedule, you prepare your own food and basically do everything for your group. At housekeeping fly-in lodges, there is generally more than one group. You may also find a manager on-site, ready to assist should you require anything. Housekeeping lodges are too designed to offer outstanding fishing in a remote location – just with a little bit of lodge support to help you if needed. Fly-in housekeeping lodges can provide access to wonderful fishing for pike, brook trout and walleye.
Full Service – American Plan
The Full Monty in fly-in fishing adventures is called an American Plan lodge. A lodge that looks after you from the moment you drive on the airbase to the return to your car after a week. Full-service fly-in lodges feed you, clean your fish, make up your cabin and will often offer guide services. These lodges will ensure you have shots at trophy brook trout, pike, and walleye. And they are great for families or groups that don’t want to worry about food, logistics or really anything – just friends, family and fishing! They are often the most expensive option, but you really do get what you pay for with fantastic customer service and incredible food!
Fly-in fishing adventures are a safe and exciting way to experience a remote fly-fishing adventure. De Havilland Otters and Beavers are the workhorses of the north. And are as iconic in Algoma as an Algoma Country shore lunch. With three different levels of service to match what anglers are searching for, an Algoma fly-in adventure is the perfect way to see virgin forest, unpressured fishing and create memories to last a lifetime.
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