Sustain Algoma Expo



Johnson Township Community Centre
1 Cameron Ave,
Desbarats, Ontario, P0R 1E0, Canada
This event has ended. Please check back for next year's information.

  June 15, 2024 - June 15, 2024

On Saturday, June 15th, 2024, join us for a fun family event that promotes living sustainably in Algoma! This event will feature unique initiatives and products that include food & agriculture, wood products, water management, social enterprise, and arts & culture.

Formerly the Green Expo, the Sustain Algoma Expo will continue to promote exciting environmental projects, products and services in the Algoma District. Since 2009, this expo has attracted over 8,000 people as the first Green/Environmental Expo in the Algoma Region. In 2015, the organizing committee decided a new direction was needed for the annual event that wasn’t strictly focused on the environment. That is how the Sustain Algoma Expo was born.

Phone Number: 705-782-2200

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