The rivers of Algoma Country are blessed with good runs of steelhead in both the spring and fall. The most popular river to fish for steelhead is the St. Marys River which runs through Sault Ste. Marie. Steelhead can be targeted in June and throughout the fall in this river. This river is good for nymph fishing, swinging a fly or even using a spey rod! It has easy wading and good numbers of big fish.
Many people ask this question: Are Rainbow Trout and Steelhead the same fish? While they are the same species, they have different ways of life. Steelhead spend part of their lives in the sea. These fish generally are streamlined in shape and are silvery or brassy in colour. Steelhead tends to run upriver. Rainbow Trout, on the other hand, spend most of their lives in freshwater. Rainbows have multi-hued colours: their bodies are blue, green, or yellow shading to silvery-white on the underside with a pink-red stripe that runs down the length of their body from gills to the tail, and black spots along their backs. Rainbows tend to run downriver.
Travel Resources
- Buy An Outdoors Card, Fishing Licences and Regulations
- Everything You Need To Know About Fishing In Ontario
- Picking Your Fishing Trip In Algoma
Fall Fishing For Steelhead In The St. Marys River
Fishing in the fall for most anglers is probably one of the best times to... Read More