The Algoma region offers three types of Canadian hunting adventures: small game, wildfowl and big game. Algoma’s professionals will cater to you from accommodations, meals, guide services, trophy mounting and the packing and shipping of your game. A complete summary of Hunting Regulations is available from any district office of the Ministry of Natural Resources.
Spring black bear season begins in May. Fall black bear season begins mid-August. Small game, wildfowl, deer and big game, including moose, begins mid-September through mid-December. With the season running into December, expect to see snow on the ground in the middle of November. This makes tracking that trophy a lot easier in Northern Ontario!
Many resorts, lodges, wilderness and fly-in operators easily transform themselves into a hunting paradise. Lodges are important for non-resident moose and black bear hunters. All non-resident moose and black bear hunters must be registered guests at a tourist outfitters lodge to be eligible for a moose or bear tag. Every person in your party must have a valid licence and Outdoors Card to hunt any animal or bird and must have it with them while hunting.
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