Thessalon Ski Trails


Our Location

Thessalon Ski Trails

Thessalon, Ontario

Thessalon Ski Trails – Stewart Highlands

Enjoy nature at its best, challenging hills and a beautiful lookout with a tremendous view of the valley and town. Groomed trails with marked signage are provided by volunteers and welcoming landowners, the Thessalon Ski Trail is a picturesque adventure. The trails are equally accepting of beginners and moderate skiers with unique terrain and natural beauty. Outhouse facilities are available.

The Stewart Highlands Trails have been operated by the Town of Thessalon intermittently since the 1960s for cross-country ski use. The Stewart Highlands Trails are open for year-round use to hike, bike, snowshoe, and cross-country ski. These trails would not be possible without the generous access made possible by the property owners. The Town of Thessalon and its residents are very grateful for their willingness to support these trails.

The Stewart Highlands Entrance is located almost directly opposite McPhee Road. The entrance is located at Fire Marker 12706 off of Highway 17, opposite of McPhee Road.

Season Passes:

Winter Season Passes can be purchased at the Municipal Office during regular office hours:
Monday to Friday 9 am – 5 pm
Season Pass: $25.00
Children 12 and under: Free
Register for Season Passes by clicking here
or contact the Municipal Office:

Town of Thessalon Municipal Office 187 Main Street, Thessalon, ON P0R 1L0
(705) 842-2217

Single-use by Donation in the lockbox located at the trail’s entrance.

You can snowshoe along the Main trails but please stay off the ski trails. Additional snowshoe trails are now marked. Thank you!

Updates on these the Thessalon Trails and Trail events can be found at:

Instagram: thessalon_trails

These trails would not be possible without the generous access made possible by the property owners. The Town of Thessalon and its residents are very grateful for their willingness to support these trails!

Amenities & Features

  • Hiking
  • Cross Country Skiing
  • Snowshoeing
  • Cycling
  • Contact Us


